about Us
industry Leaders in Dog Training since 1999.
My name is Christina Taddei and I have been training dogs professionally here in Massachusetts since 1999. I am a certified dog trainer, a professional member of the International Association of Canine Professionals, member of the National Association of Police Working Dogs, and am an AKC Canine Good Citizen, Temperament, Farm Dog and Tricks Evaluator.
I started Alpha Dog K9 Training in April of 1999 to bring quality dog training to people in their homes. Since then we have grown, and although we still offer in home training, we also have a two room matted, air conditioned training facility located at 4 Main Street in Medway, MA.
I believe that things you teach your pet dog should have a practical application for his life and yours, like waiting when a door is opened~even the car door~or being able to pay attention to you and you alone on a crowded or noisy street or in an unfamiliar place. Coming when called and not jumping on people or surfaces is also a safety issue and extremely important. These easily taught basic behaviors are the difference between a dog that is a joy and a dog that is…less so.
Christina Taddei, owner and lead trainer, all levels. AKC Star puppy evaluator, AKC CGC examiner, AKC Farm Dog examiner, AKC TT evaluator, AKC Trick evaluator, Therapy Dogs Unlimited examiner, Professional member of IACP, and member of the North American Police Working Dog Association.
Artemis Tsagarakis, Trainer, breed handling.
Anne Steciw, Trainer, nosework. AKC Star Puppy examiner, AKC CGC examiner
Linda Wright, Trainer, obedience and puppy K. AKC Star puppy examiner, AKC CGC examiner
Brit Hansen, Trainer, obedience and CGC